altonale – Cruise Ship flair at duty-free prices

With live music and duty-free goods through the port of Hamburg


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We put our money where our mouth is:

Cruise Ship flair at duty-free prices – For the fourth year running the “Altonale Booze Cruise” ensures extraordinary and entertaining cruise ship flair on the Elbe.

  • 90 minute round trip on the Elbe in the Hamburg harbour
  • Lots of sights to see, live music and „duty-free“ goods
  • 12.00 Euros per person

The tickets are available on board.

More informations about the altonale –  click here>>


Hello Mr. Mogi,
we had a fantastic time with you on board, which ended much too soon.
Now we have our seen Hamburg from a totally different angle. Thank you!
Anne & Daniel
Frank H.
Liebes GREGORS-Team,
danke für diese tolle „Kreuzfahrt“!
Wir werden uns bestimmt noch lange an diesen Abend erinnern und hoffen, bei unserem nächsten Besuch wieder die Zeit für eine gemütliche Runde auf der Elbe zu finden.